Season of KDE Final Report

SoK ended finally on 17th February 2020. I am happy to share that I have completed the project "Add multiple datasets to several activities" and passed the final evaluation!!!

As I have written a post a few days back to update about my work which you can find over here.

I was left with some work to complete as:

As now I have implemented datasets to all of the activities as mentioned in my proposal. Balance scale with ounce
Balance scale with ounce

As these activities teach the child arthmetic operations by balancing the scales using pounds or ounce. So, I have added the datasets with five different configurations.

Balance scale with ounce multiple datasets
Balance ounce multiple datasets with different level selections

What after SoK???

The day I started contributing to this project I have faced a lot of difficulty in the beginning as this was one of my first open source to which I have contributed. But now I am familiar with all of the concepts, principles, and codebase of GCompris. I am looking forward to adding multiple datasets to other activities and add a new activity "Garbage Recycle" to GCompris.

Once again a big thanks to all of my mentors Johnny, Emmanuel, Timothee for all of their help and support. I would also like to thanks the KDE community for conducting such a great program every year.
Deepak Kumar